- Personal Injury -
Automobile and Truck Accidents, Slip and Fall Accidents, Premises Liability, Dog Bites and more.
- Wills/Estate Planning/Estates -
- Real Estate -
- Business and Commercial Transactions -
- Social Security Disability -
- Insurance Loss -
Are you and your family protected? Call for an appointment for a no charge review of your Automobile Insurance Policy Coverages.
"It's really quite simple... Insurance companies do not want to help you. We will fight to make them pay."
Ustynoski & Marusak, LLC
Hazleton, PA
The personal injury attorneys at Ustynoski & Marusak welcome visitors to our web site for informational purposes only. Nothing on this site should be construed as formal legal advice. The acknowledgment of this information does not constitute or create an Attorney-Client relationship. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results; all cases are fact and law specific. If you think you need legal advice, call our office @ 570-455-3683 to schedule an appointment. There is no charge for a personal injury consultation.